Moi - Mozart <3 !
Lui - Ola Carol, It´'s Mozart. I cal u Later if u want!
Moi - Magnifique!! Je suis Chez Isa!
Lui - Beside that can I Call u latter? May I invite u to drink a glass of red wine or a cofee in Lisbon? I'm from Oeiras
Moi - ecelent idea. I will be at Lisbon latter ;)
Lui - tomorrow...? Can?
Moi - Tonight is perfect for me. Is it for u?
Lui - I am with my son. Can u tomorrow?
Moi - yes :)
Lui - I'm Paul Mozart
Moi - je me souviens três bien
Lui - Please English! you are...?
Moi - Caroline
Ces't trés bien, votre new aquisition! Un jour destes, tocar-te-á uma serrenátá! :-D